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The Funded Trader Scaling Plan

The Funded Trader offers a comprehensive scaling plan designed to reward consistent performance and provide traders with opportunities for account growth. This scaling plan is available to Indian traders who have successfully completed the initial challenge and maintained profitability in their funded accounts. The scaling plan allows traders to increase their account size, potentially managing up to $124,500,000 in trading capital.

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Scaling Plan Eligibility

To be eligible for the scaling plan, traders must meet the following criteria:
1. Successfully complete the initial challenge
2. Maintain a funded account for a minimum of three months
3. Demonstrate consistent profitability
4. Adhere to all trading rules and risk management guidelines
5. Complete the required number of trading days each month
Meeting these criteria ensures that traders are prepared for the increased responsibility of managing larger accounts.

Scaling Plan Structure

Scaling The Funded Trader

The scaling plan is structured to provide incremental increases in account size based on performance. The structure varies slightly depending on the initial challenge type:

Standard and Royal Challenge Scaling

• Initial scaling occurs after three months of consistent performance
• Account size increases by 25% of the initial balance
• Subsequent scaling opportunities every three months
• Maximum account size: $124,500,000

Rapid Challenge Scaling

• Scaling opportunities based on withdrawal amounts
• 10% account size increase for each withdrawal over 10% of initial balance
• No specific time frame for scaling
• Maximum account size: $124,500,000

Knight and Dragon Challenge Scaling

• Initial scaling after three months of consistent performance
• Account size increases by 25% of the initial balance
• Subsequent scaling opportunities every three months
• Maximum account size: $124,500,000

Scaling Process

The scaling process follows these steps:
1. Trader meets eligibility criteria
2. The Funded Trader reviews trader’s performance
3. Scaling offer is extended to the trader
4. Trader accepts the offer and agrees to updated terms
5. New account with increased balance is activated
6. Trader begins trading with larger capital base
This process typically takes 2-3 business days to complete.

Performance Metrics for Scaling

The Funded Trader evaluates the following performance metrics when considering traders for scaling:
1. Average monthly return
2. Consistency of profits
3. Maximum drawdown
4. Risk-adjusted return
5. Adherence to trading rules
Traders must demonstrate proficiency in these areas to qualify for scaling opportunities.

Profit Split Adjustments

As traders progress through the scaling plan, profit split percentages may be adjusted:
Account Size ($) Initial Profit Split Scaled Profit Split
Up to 8,300,000 80% 85%
8,300,001 – 41,500,000 85% 90%
41,500,001 – 124,500,000 90% 95%
These increased profit splits provide additional incentive for traders to grow their accounts.

Risk Management in Scaled Accounts

As account sizes increase, risk management becomes even more critical. The Funded Trader implements the following risk parameters for scaled accounts:
Maximum daily loss: 5% of account balance (scalable up to 7%)
Maximum total loss: 10% of account balance (scalable up to 12%)
• Position size limits based on account equity
• Increased scrutiny of risk-adjusted returns
Traders must demonstrate responsible risk management to maintain their scaled accounts.

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Trading Rules for Scaled Accounts

Scaled accounts are subject to the following trading rules:
1. Adhere to maximum daily and total loss limits
2. Maintain minimum trading activity requirements
3. Avoid prohibited trading strategies (e.g., arbitrage, news sniping)
4. Keep drawdown within acceptable limits
5. Utilize proper position sizing based on account equity
Violation of these rules may result in account suspension or termination.

Scaling Plan Benefits

The scaling plan offers several benefits to successful traders:
• Increased trading capital
• Higher profit potential
• Improved profit split percentages
• Recognition of trading skills
• Opportunity to manage institutional-level capital
These benefits serve as motivation for traders to consistently improve their performance.

Support for Scaled Traders

The Funded Trader provides additional support for traders managing scaled accounts:
• One-on-one coaching sessions
• Advanced risk management workshops
• Peer networking opportunities
• Priority customer support
• Access to proprietary market analysis tools
This support helps traders navigate the complexities of managing larger accounts.

Challenges of Scaled Accounts

Managing larger accounts comes with additional challenges:
• Increased psychological pressure
• Need for more sophisticated risk management
• Potential for larger monetary losses
• Higher expectations for consistent performance
• Adapting strategies to larger position sizes
Traders must be prepared to address these challenges as they scale their accounts.

Scaling Plan Comparison

Here’s how The Funded Trader’s scaling plan compares to other prop firms:
Feature The Funded Trader Competitor A Competitor B
Max Account Size $124,500,000 $83,000,000 $66,400,000
Initial Scaling Time 3 months 4 months 6 months
Scaling Increments 25% 20% 15%
Max Profit Split 95% 90% 85%
Our scaling plan offers larger potential account sizes and more frequent scaling opportunities.
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Case Study: Successful Scaling

Here’s an example of a successful scaling journey:
1. Trader starts with $8,300,000 account
2. Achieves 6% average monthly return for 3 months
3. Scales to $10,375,000 account
4. Maintains performance for another 3 months
5. Scales to $12,968,750 account
6. Continues scaling every 3 months
7. Reaches maximum account size of $124,500,000 after 2 years
This case demonstrates the potential for significant account growth through consistent performance.

Trader Reviews on Scaling Plan

Here are some reviews from Indian traders regarding The Funded Trader scaling plan:
“The scaling plan motivated me to maintain consistent performance. Reaching a $41,500,000 account was a game-changer for my trading career.” Vikram P., Mumbai
“I appreciated the gradual increases in account size. It allowed me to adapt my strategy to larger positions over time.” Anita S., Bangalore
“The improved profit split percentages at higher account levels significantly boosted my earnings potential.” Rajesh K., Delhi


For Standard, Royal, Knight, and Dragon challenges, scaling opportunities are available every three months if performance criteria are met. For the Rapid challenge, scaling is based on withdrawal amounts exceeding 10% of the initial balance, with no specific time frame.

While the basic trading rules remain the same, scaled accounts may have adjusted risk parameters, such as scalable daily and total loss limits. Additionally, you’ll need to adapt your position sizing to the larger account balance. Review the updated terms provided with each scaling offer for specific changes.

If you don’t meet the performance criteria for scaling, you’ll continue trading with your current account size. There’s no penalty for not qualifying for scaling, and you’ll have future opportunities to scale as long as you maintain profitable trading and adhere to the rules. Focus on consistent performance and risk management to improve your chances of scaling in the future.